- Fussballpsychologie
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic Author: Cramer, Dettmar Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Jackschath, Birgit Published: Meyer & Meyer Place of Publication: Aachen Year of Publication: 1995 ISBN: 3-89124-232-8 Description: 215p.;22cm. Notes: Traducerea titlului: "Psihologia în fotbal" Language: German Subject: antrenament sportiv Subject: biologia sportului Subject: copii Subject: cunoaştere Subject: doping Subject: factor specific Subject: fotbal Subject: juniori Subject: motivaţie Subject: personalitate Subject: psihologia sportului Subject: sport Subject: stres Subject: activitate de recuperare Subject: yoga Shelf number: PS/II 2791 Classification: 796.332:159.9=112.2 Classification: 159.9:796.332=112.2
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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PS/II 2791
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- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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