- The effects of 8-week step aerobic exercise on the body composition and hematologic parameters in the obese and overweight females
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part) Author: Cakmakci, Evrim Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Sanioglu, Ahmet Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Vatansev, Hüsamettin Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Marakoglu, Kamile Language: English Part of: Analele Universităţii "Ovidius" Constanţa: Seria Educaţie Fizică şi Sport/ Universitatea "Ovidius" Constanţa. Constanţa. Supliment Subject: activitate fizică Subject: exerciţiu fizic aerob Subject: compoziţie corporală Classification: 796.012.6:57.014=111 Classification: 57.014 Online resource: https://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/2010/issue-2-supplement/pe-autori/89.pdf Host Name: Universitatea ”Ovidiu” Constanța
The effects of 8-week step aerobic exercise on the body composition and hematologic parameters in the obese and overweight females
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