profesie didactică
LDR | 00083nx j2200049 | |
001 | 38321 | |
250 | $a profesie didactică | |
901 | $a a $b a |
0 lucrari in 9 publicatii in 2 limbi
8 records Page 1 of 1
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Perception of students in physical education and sports field on the teaching career = Percepția studenților din domeniul educației fizice și sport asupra carierei didactice
Stănescu, Monica; Ciolcă, Corina; Stoicescu, Marius
Training polyfunctional teacher in the dialogue of culture and sport
Munirova , RAYNIS ANDREI I.1 , GVOZDEVA ANITA N. 1, Leila; Gvozdeva, Anita N.; Raynis, Andrei
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Profesorul de succes : 59 de principii de pedagogie practică
Pâinişoară, Ion-Ovidiu
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Paşi în profesia didactică
Filimon, Letiţia
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Evaluative model for certifying the competences for the teaching profession = Model evaluativ de certificare a competențelor pentru profesia didactică
Dumitriu, Constanţa; Dumitriu, Gheorghe; Timofti, Iulia Cristina
Improving the teaching career in physical education and sports european social funds
Stănescu, Monica; Vasiliu, Ana Maria; Urzeală, Constanţa
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Perception over the physical education and sport and the necessity of vocational selection of future teschers
Dulgheru, Mirela
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