Biblioteca UNEFS


Subiect Tematic: Serbia
Lucrări: 9 lucrari in 9 publicatii in 3 limbi
Digital Media Technologies and the Perspectives of Virtual Education-Opinions of Students and Professors at the Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Phylosophy, University of Novi Sad de: Pralica, Dejan; The 11Th International Scientific Conference "Elearning And Software For Education". Bucharest, April 23-24, 2015. (Text tipărit)
F.I.E.P. European Congress. 5-th.; Serbian Congress of P.E.Teachers. 2-nd. Nis. September 23-26 2009 de: Congress European F.I.E.P. 5-Th.Nis September 23-26 2009 (Text tipărit)
Zvezdama u susret de: Protic, Stojan (Text tipărit)
"Serbian Sokol" in Barberton (Ohio) de: Pavlovic, Petar; Pantelic Babic, Kristina; Pavlovic, Danilo (Multimedia)
Advantages of Using Modern Digital Technologies in Lectures and Practical Classes of the Subject "War and Crisis Reporting" at the Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad de: Barovic, Vladimir; The 11Th International Scientific Conference "Elearning And Software For Education". Bucharest, April 23-24, 2015. (Text tipărit)
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