Biblioteca UNEFS

Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil

Nume Persoană: Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil
Țara sursă: RO: UNEFS
Lucrări: 1 lucrari in 6 publicatii in 1 limbi
Olympic phenomenon as a component of education de: Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil (Text tipărit)
The influence of colour on the efficiency of basketball throws de: Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil; Mihoc, Pantelimona (Text tipărit)
Sourse of accidents in physical education and sports activity de: Ciorbă, Constantin; Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil (Text tipărit)
The influence of color on the efficiencz of basketball throws de: Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil; Pantelimona, Mihoc (Text tipărit)
Tests measuring the anticipation capacity of the sportsmen de: Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil; Lazăr, Andreea Gabriela (Text tipărit)
The influence of coulor on the efficienczy of basketball throws de: Moroşan Larionescu, Virgil; Pantilimona, Mihoc (Text tipărit)
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